Not only did The Johnnie Walkers raised a
record shattering $41,000, it was matched dollar for dollar by a MRF anonymous
donor. Over the years we have raised over $300,000 to benefit the MRF. To
say that I am personally grateful as are the scientists, volunteers (like us)
and the staff members at The MRF is an understatement!
All of our donations, including the match, will fund the human
clinical trial with the NIH on the repurposed drug, guanabenz and the
development of protocols and assays that bridge the gap across “The Valley of Death”
(which is the area between breakthroughs in the research laboratory and action
by The Pharmaceutical Companies to invest millions in commercializing and FDA
approved therapeutic).
Save the date, Sunday, May 22, 2016. The Johnnie Walkers will roll