Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's Spring!.. Time to rally The Johnnie Walkers for our annual walk on Sunday, May 19th

This was quite a year as the pace of MS breakthroughs accelerated toward our goal of getting me and the other 2.3 million people with MS out of my crowded wheelchair.  

And while the science and fundraising are very impressive, it’s all the members of The Johnnie Walkers that makes our quest such a great story: from our first walk with Ron, Judy and Darby Anderson and Dee Downing 15 years ago, to 8th grader Ben Brandt organizing his own MRF event in junior high last fall. Along the way we’ve picked up hundreds more like Mike Lazarus who hasn’t missed a walk in decades and brings donations from the Stamford, CT healthcare community and Barb Siegel and Connie Ogorzaly leading The Lincolnshire Village Club in numerous fundraising events. Most recently, through the power of Facebook, Al Rausa has pulled together our high school friends from Emerson, NJ circa early 1970’ s, and now my daughter Christine has pulled together her high school friends from Lincolnshire, IL circa early 2010’s to get involved.

If you can’t make the trip join our group by donating online through Pay It Square or by writing a check:
The Myelin Repair Foundation
c/o Bob Gregory
10 Londonderry Lane
Lincolnshire, IL 60069

It’s tax deductible!