Through the magic of Facebook, I have reconnected with a lot of long lost friends from Emerson NJ High School, circa 1974 (you do the math!) We were the Emerson Cavaliers or The Cavos.
Al Rausa has been particularly active in re-connecting us all and specifically interested in our cause. He's now taking it to a new level by organizing Team Johnnie Walker East:
I would also like to support one of our classmates who is battling MS. Bob Gregory graduated with the Class of 74 and was diagnosed with MS in 1990. Due to an unusually fast disease progression he was in a wheelchair by 1995. I have stayed in touch via email and Facebook, he has never lost his sense of humor and courage. So, at the party on Saturday,May 18th, I will have a raffle of Louisiana food and Artwork that I am bringing back in order to raise funds for Bob’s cause (http://msjohnniewalkers.blogspot.com/). Please take a moment to checkout his website, watch the video, send him an email and help me support a fellow Cavo.
So we have quite a team; The Cavos, our loyal local walkers, our swat team who flys in, The Village Club, The MRF members and the vast countrywide network.
Makes you believe anything is possible.