Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Last Dance on Sunday March, 18th 2025

We, The Johnnie Walkers, are about to achieve one of our goals: taking decades of research on repairing MS damage, out of the laboratory and transitioning into the clinic.

Dr. Stephen Miller at Northwestern School of Medicine and his collaborators are tying up loose ends this coming year. This is a very big deal! We need to raise $50,000 to complete this transition.

As a result of your unwavering support and generous donations, we have raised over $1 million. So, after 30 years, this Walk will be the last one for fundraising.

 What happens next? All this research needs to be distilled into a pill. Two biopharmaceutical giants, Takeda & Genentech, have contracted to take this technology and invest resources to do the human clinical trials to get FDA approved therapeutic on the market. Then we will accomplish our bigger goal of getting me and millions of others out of our crowded scooter and back on our feet. WOW!

 Join us and be part of our team; walk and donate on Sunday, May 19th in Lincolnshire.  At 10:30 am, we will start a 4 mile neighborhood walk, followed by an afternoon of camaraderie and a backyard picnic (sunny and warm this year, please!).

There are three options to donate:

 Donate online: Miller Multiple Sclerosis Auto-immune Disease Research HERE

Send me a check made out to Northwestern University and mail to:
Bob Gregory
10 Londonderry Ln.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069


If you use your brokerage firm or a donor advised fund , please note that your gift is for the Bob Gregory MS Walk and should be mailed directly to:
MaryPat Mauro
Director, Major Gifts
Northwestern University
Development & Alumni Relations
420 East Superior Street
Rubloff 9th Fl.
Chicago, IL 60611

: (For questions, contact MaryPat at 312-503-1090 or


Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Johnnie Walkers Are Rallying On Sunday, May 19th 2024


I am still reveling in the accolades we are receiving for surpassing the $1 million fundraising threshold in the last couple years. I’m also very excited to see the beneficiary of our donations, Dr. Stephen Miller, and his infrastructure at Northwestern University accelerating the process of going from academic research to mainstream pharmaceutical therapies. Steve has cofounded Cour Pharmaceuticals which will act as the conduit of theoretical to practical and do all the tedious, repetitive grunt work to generate data that will excite large pharmaceutical companies to turn all of this into a pill that will get my rear end out of this scooter. 

We are making a difference!

Join us and be part of our team; walk and donate on Sunday, May 19th in Lincolnshire.  At 10:30 am, we will start a 4 mile neighborhood walk, followed by an afternoon of camaraderie and a backyard picnic (sunny and warm this year, please!).

There are three options to donate:

 Donate online: Miller Multiple Sclerosis Auto-immune Disease Research HERE

Send me a check made out to Northwestern University and mail to:
Bob Gregory
10 Londonderry Ln.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069


If you use your brokerage firm or a donor advised fund , please note that your gift is for the Bob Gregory MS Walk and should be mailed directly to:
MaryPat Mauro
Director, Major Gifts
Northwestern University
Development & Alumni Relations
420 East Superior Street
Rubloff 9th Fl.
Chicago, IL 60611

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Johnnie Walkers Are Rolling on Sunday, May 21, 2023.


Due to your boundless generosity, The Johnnie Walkers are $1 million team. We have cumulatively raised over $1 million to fund cutting edge MS research at Northwestern. Dr. Steve Miller's lab is using nanotechnology to stop the progression of MS in its tracks and to repair the damage that has already been done.
This will get a million people with MS in the US back on their feet.
We are making a difference!

Join us and be part of our team; walk and donate on Sunday, May 21st in Lincolnshire.  At 10:30 am, we will start a 4 mile neighborhood walk, followed by an afternoon of camaraderie and a backyard picnic (sunny and warm this year, please!).

There are three options to donate:

 Donate online: Miller Multiple Sclerosis Auto-immune Disease Research HERE

Send me a check made out to Northwestern University and mail to:
Bob Gregory
10 Londonderry Ln.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069


If you use your brokerage firm or a donor advised fund , please note that your gift is for the Bob Gregory MS Walk and should be mailed directly to:
MaryPat Mauro
Director, Major Gifts
Northwestern University
Development & Alumni Relations
420 East Superior Street
Rubloff 9th Fl.
Chicago, IL 60611

Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Johnnie Walkers Are Rolling on Sunday, May 22, 2022


Join us and be part of our team; walk and donate on Sunday, May 22nd in Lincolnshire.  At 10:30 am, we will start a 4 mile neighborhood walk, followed by an afternoon of camaraderie and a backyard picnic (sunny and warm this year, please!).

There are three options to donate: 

Donate online: Miller Multiple Sclerosis Auto-immune Disease Research HERE

Send me a check made out to Northwestern University and mail to:
Bob Gregory
10 Londonderry Ln.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069


If you use your brokerage firm or a donor advised fund , please note that your gift is for the Bob Gregory MS Walk and should be mailed directly to:

  MaryPat Mauro
 Director, Major Gifts
   Northwestern University
     Development & Alumni Relations
 420 East Superior Street
 Rubloff 9th Fl.
 Chicago, IL 60611

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Johnnie Walkers Are Unstoppable

Sunday, the 17th, was our annual MS Walk raising funds for cutting-edge research on MS damage repair at Northwestern University.

While I missed the camaraderie of walking together, I was heartened by the social distancing walks the Johnnie Walkers did across the country, including Adele, Duncan & Pat Gregory in Chicago, Ed Stern & Teri Nimmons in Maryland, Camille & her grandkids in PA, Janet & Fred Kunz in Chicago, Doug deMarrias in NJ, Cathy & Tim Kendrick in NC, Fred Canavan (he rowed) in NY, Dave Herman in NC, John Guidone in NC, Gloria Lewis in NJ, Al Rausa (twice) in Emerson, Bob Bazarian in PA Karin Novotny swam 4 miles in FL, Mindy & Wayne’s dogs took them for walk in NY, Gail & Yale Kaplan power walked Maryland and Kay Hoogland crossed the finish line despite the fact that The Ogden Marathon was canceled

It’s not too late to donate online HERE
I am very grateful to all of you… And this is one step closer to getting out of this wheelchair.

Adele, Pat and Duncan
Cathy and Tim

Doug's Route
Terri and Ed
Janet and Fred

Mindy and Wayne

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Johnnie Walkers Are Rallying for the Virtual MS Walk on May 17th

I’m guessing it’s no surprise to any of you that I have to cancel the walk part of this year’s MS Walk scheduled for May 17TH. It’s my favorite weekend of the year but we’re living through some social distancing unprecedented times.

However, our dedication to discovering the cause and cure for MS is not on hold and we continue to help fuel the momentum of the  collaborative work of Northwestern’s  Drs. Steve Miller & Brian Popko.
 So, please donate to this year’s “Walk”. Your support means just as much as it always has.  There are three options to donate:
  • ·        Contribute online HERE. We are funding The Miller Multiple Sclerosis Auto-Immune Disease Research Protocol.
  • ·        You can send a check to me at the address listed to the right. Please make the check out to The Northwestern Feinberg School Of Medicine.
  • ·        If you use your brokerage firm or a donor advised fund, please note that your gift is for the Bob Gregory MS Walk and should be mailed directly to:
    MaryPat Mauro, Director, Major Gifts, Northwestern University
    Development & Alumni Relations, 420 East Superior Street, Rubloff 9th Fl.,
    Chicago, IL 60611

Are our donations making a difference? In the past year:
Dr. Popko relocated from University of Chicago to Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University which will make their collaboration much easier now that both are at the same institution.
  • ·        Cour Pharmaceuticals used Drs. Miller & Popko’s approach to complete a highly effective phase 2 clinical trial in Celiac Disease (another autoimmune disease) and are currently planning clinical trials in MS patients using the same.
  • ·        Thanks to the data derived by research made possible through our fundraising, they also received two NIH grants examining therapies using tolerance in combination with myelin repair agents.
  • ·        They co-authored a paper on an offshoot of a specific drug, guanabenz, that was identified by The Myelin Repair Foundation that we funded in years past.
  • ·        Dr. Miller published a paper in collaboration with Clene Pharmaceuticals describing the use of gold nanocrystals to induce remyelination
  • ·        Dr. Miller and Popko are currently preparing a manuscript describing the myelin repair inducing properties of digoxin, a repurposed drug which already has FDA approval for use in heart patients

       We are making a difference!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The 2019 Johnnie Walkers Are Rolling Again on Sunday, May 19th

Every year a group of family and friends gather to walk 4 miles, enjoy each others company and a backyard barbecue and raise a little money. A big part of our team who can't make the actual physical walk, donate generously by mailing a check or contributing online through the links on this page. Every year we have been able to send a check of greater than $30,000 to our beneficiaries. We are once again funding the work of Dr. Steve Miller at Northwestern and Dr. Brian Popko at the University of Chicago in their quest to use nanotechnology in pursuit of immunological tolerance, coupled with myelin repair agents. This is the cutting-edge of MS Research. The science is fascinating. Please see below and link to Dr. Miller's WGN interview HERE.
What else is fascinating is the wonderful people who make up the Johnnie Walkers. From unconditionally supporting family, great neighbors, bonded college friends, various loyal work-related friends, dedicated church friends, Chicago friends where we went from Friday night cocktails to weddings to newborns to teenagers to designated drivers in the suburbs Then there are characters like Mike Lazarus who comes in every year for less than 24 hours, with a fistful of checks from the Stamford, CT medical community, whose connection with me is a as a friend of a friend who spent a weekend in the early 80’s  in Chicago and tried to see how much Mexican food we could eat and how many Cub’s games we could go to with the least amount of sleep. There are renewed Emerson, NJ high school friends. There is a little history there where I knew their grandparents, their parents, brothers and sisters and now meeting their adult kids.. They now come in a couple days early to explore Chicago.  And every year there are cherished new friends making new memories and rapidly becoming old friends. Here are some pictures from last year.

The Johnnie Walkers have come a long way since we first started participating all those years ago with Ron & Judy Anderson, Darby Anderson, Dee Schorr, Pat &  I in the freezing rain and raised a few hundred dollars.
I have a few more battle scars since however I’m still as optimistic as ever that me and a million others in the US will get back on our feet.
It’s my favorite weekend of the year!

 If you can’t make the trip, join our team by donating online through Northwestern Univ.
Or by writing a check:
Northwestern University
c/o Bob Gregory
10 Londonderry Lane

Lincolnshire, IL 60069